Crossing Technologies has signed an agreement with the Faculty of Economics in Split on Friday, 22nd of April, 2016. The agreement enables students from the faculty to perform a practice of one month duration in the company. The contract was signed with a mutual pleasure for the company and the Faculty of Economics, for it will provide a month of new knowledge and experience for the students who apply for the practice. The duration of the practice is 22 days …
JupiterOne – All about data
Teaching computer to understand human language has been a challenging task for most researchers. Understanding what’s written, how it’s written, emotions and opinion has always been difficult. But, we’re also learning in this process, mostly how to „communicate“ with computers and make this process more easy for them. In recent year we can see the rise of old ideas whose success is result of advances in technology. Big data technology and deep learning are trendy words nowadays with reason. With …
Data Science Croatia
Our employees are organizing #DataScience meetup in Croatia with help from ZIP – Zagrebački Inkubator Poduzetništva. Data Science is an interdisciplinary field about processes and systems to extract knowledge or insights from large volumes of data in various forms, either structured or unstructured. Date of event is 07.12.2015 in ZIP factory (starting at 6PM). You can find all informations on .